Special Adoration On Alphonsamma Canonisation Day

Special Adoration On Alphonsamma Canonisation Day
Emmaus Community, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ways to deliver a good speech.

Ways to deliver a good speech.

A. Be friendly. Begin with a smile.

B. Be relaxed. Try rhythmic exercise actors use to relax before a performance. "Inhale deep breath, hold for as long as possible and exhale slowly. Repeat several times." This wil get you relaxed by making heart beat steady.

C. Take command. Stand up, come to the open place and face the audience. Donot hide behind anything.

D. Stand confidently. "Italians converse with their hands." They keep their arms bent at the elbow.

E. Plan what to say. Write draft (about 100 words for each minute). Condense final draft to headings; write well spaced, brief, easy to read, in small thick paper easy to be hidden in pocket (except for competetions). First tell them what you are going to tell. Then tell it to them. Then tell them what you have told.

F. Keep it simple. Use plain language as far as possible. Do not cram too many points. Not more than four points, leading to one conclusion.

G. Seem spontaneous. Rehearse. Record & listen to playback critically. Remove ums, ahs, ehs etc. Tell only spoken language, not written (stiff literary) language.

H. Use full voice. Raised voice alerts the brain. Slow deep voice at appropriate time can be impressive. Rapid, excited speaking indicates urgency. An appropriate pause will draw instant attention. Utter each word clearly up to the last syllable.

I. Include every one. Maintain eye contact with every one, including those beside.

J. Watch timings. If not facing a clock, turn your watch to face you. Ten minutes is long enough for social occasions. Maximum one hour for business conference.